Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Stressed out and need to change

Hello Everyone

I have come to the realization that my life is too stressful and I need to make changes.  My stomach has been burning for 2 days on and off.  Now I am getting sharp pain in the upper right side of my abdomen..  I started googling it and realized my body is telling me to calm down.  Work has been hard the last few days.  I am working as a certified nurses aide caring for a terminal patient with cancer.  I work 12 hour shifts. and when I am off I am taking care of Miles.  I did try talking to him last weekend about feeling overwhelmed by all of it.  He told me I should cut back my hours.  Only bad part was he didn't want to cut back on anything to lower the bills so I could do it.  He can't cut out any cable channels, he needs them.  Could be lower the grocery bill, maybe a few less snacks? He can't cut back and asked me to help out with his boat repair bill.  I have to do something.  I have doubled my income and still can't find money to save.  I need to change this.  Any suggestions?

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